The Estate

The Villa S.Andrea estate is located in the heart of Tuscany, between the provinces of Florence and Siena.

It covers 600 hectares in the Chianti Classico territory and has as its center the ancient village of Fabbrica, where you can find the Villa, the Church of S.Andrea and the Ancient Wine Cellars.

The estate's agricultural activity takes place on the hills where vineyards and olive trees grow, while the valleys and flat stretches are cultivated in arable land, part of which are irrigated using to the water from the two large lakes of the estate.

The surrounding area is covered by oaksholmacaciascypresses and pastures, where there are wild animals typical of our area.  These offer numerous itineraries in a beautiful and unspoiled landscape... 

Villa S.Andrea is part of the azienda faunistico–venatoria "Fabbrica – Santa Cristina".

Our Position

How to reach Villa S.Andrea

Look at the position on the Map and find out how to reach us.

Società Agricola Villa S.Andrea - Via di Fabbrica 63 , 50026 S.Casciano V.P. (FI) ITALY

CIN: IT048038B56QE2L94P

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